Expression of interest

MY-WAY is launching again a call to develop innovative synergies and collaboration opportunities with key players in the European web entrepreneurship ecosystem.
As a result of our first Call for Expression of Interest, we have launched discussions with the main stakeholders in the European startup ecosystem to share views over current challenges of young prospective entrepreneurs, and to design new groundbreaking and fruitful collaboration channels to support them.
We are now ready to put in practice what we have learned so far: to do this, we are looking for enterprising partners willing to improve the startup ecosystem specifically in the cities of London (UK), Budapest (HU), Zaragoza (ES) and Istanbul (TR). We are planning to launch Action Plans in these cities and to connect you with other relevant local players, to ultimately enhance each ecosystem and fully support young prospective entrepreneurs. We are particularly looking for student networks interested in entrepreneurship promotion and support, but if you are a different entity working in the startup ecosystem, even in a different city, we do want to cooperate with you! Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will contact you to find a good schedule for our discussions.

Headquarters address (City, address, ZIP code, country)
Link to your official website
Link to your official social media profile(s)
Brief description of your institution/who you are
Why are you interested in collaborating with us? What kind of framework do you foresee to cooperate with the project?