Disruptors' Network
The Network of Young European Disruptors
The European Commission has set up the network of Young European Disruptors (EDs). It is a European community of entrepreneurs who will meet at summits, regional events, leadership development programmes and community-organized gatherings around Europe. EDs are encouraged to learn from each other, and with each other, in a search for forward-looking and innovative solutions to present-day problems. The scope of the network is to catalyse the next generation of Disruptors through personal experiences that enable EDs to build knowledge and engender a better understanding of European challenges and trends, as well as to further enhance their unique role as Disruptors within their organizations and the broader community. Insights come from dedicated educational modules; informal, interactive, off-the-record sessions with high-profile world Disruptors; and peer-to-peer coaching opportunities.
MY-WAY project is providing the secretariat of the network. Stakeholders, disruptors interested in this initiative or would like to become member of the network can contact us by email. Contact: disruptors_network@h-farm.com
Selection Criteria for Disruptors:
- Active in their local entrepreneurial ecosystem
- Demonstrate strong links with key stakeholders in their ecosystem
- Willing and able to represent the European Disruptors and engage their ecosystem to share Start-Up Europe’s vision and initiatives
- Entry question: What is the main hurdle to success in your local ecosystem
Present members are:
Robbert Jan Hanse | HollandStartup - Netherlands | |
Arnie Sriskandarajah | Rocket Internet - UK | |
Oskari Lehtonen | Koppi Catch - Finland | |
Tobias Martens | “30dna” - Germany | |
Balázs Szabó | Smart Drive - Hungary | |
Inês Santos Silva | Startup Pirates - Portugal | |
Miguel Arias | Chamberi Valley - Spain | |
Bogdan Iordache | HowToWeb - Romania | |
Andreas Tschas | Pioneers - Austria | |
Erik Van Rompay | Directeur Général PNO Consultants- France |