EFSA Hackathon | #MakeithAPPen
Parma, Italy
We are pleased to announce EFSA Hackathon | #MakeithAPPen: EFSA’s Hackathon final and debate on ICT innovation in the public sector, to be held at EFSA, Parma (Italy), on 24 September 2016 from 09:00 to 17:00.
EFSA has launched a Hackathon competition to develop a mobile app that gives quick and user-friendly access to information on EFSA’s work.
On 24 September, on the occasion of the competition’s final round, EFSA is holding a one-day event on ICT within the public sector. In the morning, the finalists of the Hackathon will present their mobile apps. The winners will be announced at the end of the day. In the afternoon, ICT experts and representatives from public institutions will share their experiences during a roundtable discussion on “ICT-enabled innovation within public administration”.
The registration form can be found at https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/hackaton_APP
There is no fee for participation. Registration may close once the maximum number of participants is reached or, at the latest, by 9 September 2016.
The programme is available at the following link.
We would appreciate if you could promote the event with your members and network.
For more information, feel free to contact EFSA at conferences@efsa.europa.eu