10:30 Registrations
11:00 Welcome Speech - ECN
11:15 Keynote Speech - TBA
11:30 Panel 1 - How crowdfunding interacts with other financing methods for renewable energies?
-Siward Zomer,President, De Windwogel
-Coenraad de Vries, Managing Partner, Startgreen
-Philip Bazin, Environmental Team Leder, Triodos Bank
-TBC, GH Capital
-Moderator: Sarah Mekjian, Communications Director, Cliamate Alliance
12:15 Keynote Speech - Alix Bolle, Energy Cities
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Keynote speech - TBC, DG Energy, European Commission
14:00 Panel 2 – Crowdfunding for renewable energy sector: business models, cases and best practices
-Alex Raguet, President, Lumo
-Uwe Lebelt, International Business Development, GreenChannel
-Marteen de Jong, Founder, Oneplanetcrowd
14:45 Panel 3 – Potential impact and cases of crowdfunding for renewable energies, energy efficiency and clean energy in Europe & beyond
-Marilyn Heib, CEO, Bettervest
-Christopher Falsen, Co-founder & CFO,Trine
-Irene Maffini, Clean-tech commercilistion and venturing, Carbon Trust
-Julien Hostache, CEO, Enerfip
-Robert Pasicko, Team Leader Low Carbon Development, UNDP Croatia
-Moderator: Giles Dickson, EWEA TBC
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Keynote speech - TBA
16:15 Panel 4 – Future trends and challenges of crowdfunding for renewable energies
-Nuno Brito Jorge, CEO, Boa Energia
-Tanja Aschenbeck Florange, Partner, Osborne Clarke Germany
-Mathias Klaes, Dundee University
-Karl Harder, Co-founder, Abundance Generation
-Moderator : Aki Kallio, Adviser to the Finnish Ministry of Finance
17:00 Conclusion
17:15 Networking Drinks
18:30 End of Conference
2nd ECN CrowdCamp
Brussels, Belgium
The European Crowdfunding Network is happy to invite you the 2nd ECN CrowdCamp (24th May, Brussels), which will focus on how crowdfunding can be used to finance renewable energies, clean-tech and energy efficiency.
By attending the event, you will have the chance to meet and discuss relevant topics with more than 200 sector experts, European crowdfunding platforms, professional investors, renewable energies developers, policy makers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders.